Before dying at the age of 76, Professor Stephen Hawking expressed his wish on the inscription he wanted to engrave on the tombstone.

According to physicist Stephen Hawking, a black hole has a door that takes matter to a parallel universe rather than being swallowed up as we thought.

Stars, planets, black holes will die or be ripped apart by mysterious forces, leaving the cold and dark universe without life.

Stephen Hawking is the most famous scientist on the planet. His well-known book, A Brief History of Time, was released when it was released.

Hawking radiation is one of the most prominent works of Professor Stephen Hawking, helping decode the black hole and the origin of the universe.

The planet around a black hole can also sustain life, thanks to the principle of thermodynamic reversal similar to the Sun and Earth.

New hypothesis by astrophysicist Stephen Hawking and his colleagues suggest that black holes can wear a hair made from particles.

Despite the popularity of black holes in scientific novels, there is still a lot to learn about black holes, the mysterious space area that was once thought to be completely

Stephen Hawking recently said that he could solve astrophysics biggest problem for 40 years: paradox of black hole information.