When bathing or soaking in water for a long time, your skin shows signs of wrinkling. Will they decompose?

If someone applies a cell phone to the ear and talks for 50 minutes or more, the activity of the nerve cell in the brain area closest to the antenna will change.

This year, the number of storms from Vietnam will increase sharply, preparing for the strongest intensity of magnetic storms to happen in the next two years.

According to research results announced at the Davos World Economic Forum, Vietnam is among 10 countries with low air quality and the most affected health.

Chinese people are paying a price for the country's heavy environmental pollution with their own health, the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) warns.

Tomorrow (March 25), radioactive clouds will come to Vietnam. The monitoring stations have been prepared to be able to warn early levels of radiation in the clouds when arriving

Dropping weight is a common danger many people encounter when practicing, typically a new accident of a young man leading to death.

Perhaps antibiotics are the most important drug because everyone needs it. However, many people have used it incorrectly so they do not bring the desired effect.

Scientists have discovered that polluted atmosphere is also a cause and it also has a stronger impact than the above factors.

Chinese food experts warn consumers to be cautious about cucumbers with flowers under fruit because they contain growth hormones.