During the menstrual period, these women suffer from living in temporary sheds or sleeping with animals ...

Earth has a lot of scenes that we never knew before.

Cow urine collection is the job that brings income for many people in India. In this country, the price of cow urine is higher than milk.

If you've ever seen photos of Indian women, you'll see a familiar identification feature: the last red dot on their forehead. Have you ever wondered about the meaning of this red

Prohibiting the bride and groom to bathe, go to the toilet and not leave the house within 72 hours is one of the most lavish customs in the world.

The well-trained workers accidentally discovered 22 gold pieces named wind god in a stone box on Java Island, Indonesia.

Meenakshi Temple consists of 14 towers, 33,000 statues, sophisticated color schemes, and attracts 15,000 visitors a day.