NASA's alien world hunter TESS continues to discover two giant planets, where one year is only 1.64 to 3.7 Earth days long.

A multinational research team analyzed the mysterious planet about 646 light years away based on the initial data TESS obtained.

Glass rain, super typhoon or dizzying temperature change are three of the special phenomena that occur on outer planets.

Many scientists believe that the Earth was formed and protected from some Jupiter collisions.

Astronomers have discovered a strange and extremely alien planet. If you have the opportunity to travel space, then skip this planet.

The Hubble Space Telescope of NASA discovered the strange planet WASP-12b is almost completely black, because it absorbs 94% of the light shining on the surface.

The astronomers' new findings point to a giant group of gas extraterrestrials outside the solar system covered by water-storing clouds.

For the first time astronomers can confirm, the green color exists on HD189733b, the planet lies 63 light-years away from Earth, is the true color, created by the silicate rain

Because of the often fainter appearance than mother stars, exoplanet planets are often found by indirect methods.

As we all know, each different molecule absorbs light in different ways.