Scientists created a 6-legged mouse embryo, with an extra pair of hind legs instead of external genitalia.

This could be a big and controversial leap as these scientists are trying to transplant human cells into monkey embryos.

Modern science has been able to create human-animal embryos, and a hybrid biology project like in Greek mythology is being carefully considered.

Experts took samples to analyze and confirm the case of the first cross-bred dolphin with a female head whale in Hawaii.

In nature, sometimes transverse love happens, when two species mate. The result of the love affairs is a child with a strange appearance but no less beautiful.

A pig with a mutated gene has appeared in Cambodia, making it look like a hybrid of pigs and elephants.

On land lions and tigers can mate to create tiger lions, while in the water whales and dolphins also work together to create Amerasians.

Curly haired pig, spider-tailed snake, gerbil ... are animals

Reynosa Zoo in Mexico has welcomed a very special new member named Khumba.

If not known before, perhaps many people will mistake Mexico's lizard rat as a mutant animal hybrid between worms, snakes and ... turtles.