Thousands of years ago, Egyptians artificially incubated eggs by building two-story brick incubators and lighting fires above them.

Known as the 'Incubator Doctor', Martin Couney was a controversial figure in the early 20th century.

Russia is expected to send quail eggs and incubators to the International Space Station (ISS) next year to study embryo development.

With this new device, biologists will have an extra 'powerful' power.

Canadian scientists have found the technology to detect eggs before laying eggs in the hamlet to reduce costs for the poultry industry just hens to lay eggs.

High-tech infantry cages can be installed next to the maternity bed, allowing mothers and fathers to bond with each other and to touch each other as a healthy mother and child.

Students of NLU have successfully built automatic hamper using solar energy, reaching the rate of hatching eggs over 85%.

Incubator for solar energy is produced by the research of Master Le Van You, Head of Automation Department, Faculty of Mechanics - Technology, University of Agriculture and