The device from the University of New South Wales team uses special semiconductors to collect infrared radiation emitted by the Earth and convert it into electricity.

NASA's Spitzer space telescope captured the fiery moment of a giant mass of gas and dust that spanned more than 500 light-years.

The solar industry breakthrough will allow us to take advantage of huge energy

Face ID, Iris Scanner and some other face and iris recognition technologies are using infrared to shine directly into users' eyes.

According to the IB Times, the Earth absorbs a large amount of sunlight, which in turn leads to almost constant emission of infrared radiation, estimated at millions of GW of

The first image was taken by Chandra X-ray Observatory of the US Space and Aeronautics Agency (NASA), showing the youngest pulsar that scientists have ever seen.

Earth is not alone on the journey around the sun, because it is

Australian scientists invented a super-thin nanomaterial that can protect the surface against light and radiation.

Using metamaterials (metamaterials), scientists are developing a device capable of radiating infrared rays with controlled frequencies.

International researchers at the University of Arizona have found a unique method of processing sulfur waste into plastic lenses that can be used for infrared devices.