Every day, kingfishers have to feed (fish) equivalent to their body weight to survive, so they are not in the form of 'picky eaters'.

Since his first grandfather took him to see the king of prey on predators 40 years ago, photographer Alan McFadyen has always been impressed and desires to capture that beautiful

World bird day is the day that marks the return of migratory birds. Watch birds win the championship in many fields.

Slothful child in mother's arms, hummingbird hummingbirds in the rhododendron flower, cool mountain goats under the moonlight ... are the most impressive natural images in the past

Did you know about golden monkey head dog, molasses, goose or owl? Here are interesting pictures of these animals.

The colorful bird fluttered itself out of the water and calmly enjoyed the favorite dish on the branches.

Many innovations and inventions are being used daily by humans from the models available in nature.