In my life, most people have at least once kissed someone to show affection. And this gesture is especially popular among lovers. However, there are many interesting things that

When we kiss the body, we secrete certain chemicals that can control stress hormones in both sexes.

The kiss was very popular in the West, but perhaps the first kiss originated in China more than 2,000 years ago in the image of two men and women kissing on the ancient Chinese

For people, a hug and comforting words can help a lot of relief. It turned out that chimpanzees hugged each other for that purpose.

The switch, though still in the process of being completed at the Kajimoto lab, is part of Electro-Communications University, but it has received a lot of attention from young

The love of animals in each species has different ways of expressing emotions.

The following are less popular photos but show an interesting perspective on historical and current life

Showing affection with kisses sometimes causes bad health effects. Infectious diseases, sexually transmitted diseases can be transmitted by kissing at any time.

According to Vaughn Bryant - an anthropologist in Texas (USA), the first traces of kisses date back to 1500 BC in India.

When kissing, the partner's body will produce a substance that has a narcotic effect 200 times higher than morphine.