Forest fires have turned Southeast Australia into a devastating nightmare, wiping out millions of animals. About 8,000 koalas have died since the start of the fire.

Australian archaeologists have unearthed very prehistoric koalas in the Mornington Peninsula, Victoria.

Australian scientists have just announced the discovery of the largest ever graveyard of extinct koalas in Queensland state (Australia), Australian cosmosmagazine.com online

A new virus like HIV attacks koalas, reducing their numbers and threatening them to become extinct.

This is the research result published on September 7 by the International Fund for Nature Protection (WWF) in Australia and the Nature Conservation Council (NCC).

Speaking of special and unique animals in Australia, many people will remember immediately Kangaroo kangaroos or koala bears. But it will be a big mistake if you omit Wombat.

The image of the Koala is probably no stranger to us. Gray hair, big fat, round ears and big nose - wouldn't be too much if they were considered one of the cutest animals in the

Koala bear, or koala (scientific name: Phascolarctos cinereus) is a mammal with a plant-eating bag that lives in Australia and is the only animal that still lives in the family

The oldest known pocket bear in the world, now 29, lives in an Australian wildlife park.

Scientists have finally discovered why the koalas often hug trees when the weather is hot.