The Great Lakes Environmental Laboratory (GLERL) of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has confirmed the existence of about 40 mysterious circular

Hundreds of Americans witnessed a shooting star across the sky, forming a green fireball blazing with brilliance, releasing energy equivalent to 10 tons of TNT explosives and

Wildlife conservationists are working to draw pesticides into the water in a stream near Lake Michigan (USA), to kill fishes

Typically, residents around Mackinac's waist encounter some small blue ice floats floating on the lake surface in winter every year.

Scientists are concerned that the fast-growing invasive snail snail discovered in Lake Michigan could adversely affect the region's ecosystem.

Lake Baikal in Russia, Lake Abraham in Canada, pond Blue Pond in Japan ... beautiful as art paintings in winter.

The US Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has just released photos of Earth from the most impressive space in 2013.