The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is known as one of the largest and most complex scientific experimental facilities in human history.

On October 1, the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) celebrated its 70th anniversary.

Nobel Prize-winning physicist Peter Higgs, famous for predicting the existence of the Higgs boson, died after an illness.

A facility that produces laser beams strong enough to analyze the structure of space (vacuum) can be built in the UK in a new science project, to help scientists answer basic

Recently, a video recorded an unidentified flying object (UFO) appearing in the sky of Geneva, Switzerland, then disappeared without trace into the mysterious tornado in the sky.

Time travel is an interesting topic that is the subject of many science fiction films, besides it also makes a lot of gray matter for many aspiring people to create a capable

The large particle accelerator re-starts last night after a problem more than a year ago, and will begin the process of simulating the Big Bang explosion.

Learn the analyzers, computer systems ... spread out within a 27 km circumference of the LHC giant particle accelerator project, the viewer will learn more about the operation of

Chinese scientists are rushing to complete the plan to build giant particle accelerators, larger in size than any other accelerator in the world.

To cater to studies of the composition of the universe such as particle physics or dark matter, experts have built many special underground laboratories.