large particle accelerator

Restarting the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) this week after a temporary shutdown due to the COVID-19 epidemic.

If you wander into buildings, you may be overwhelmed by towering cranes or huge material trucks, but they're not the biggest machines.

Luckily survived in a rare accident, Anatoli Petrovich Bugorski had half an aging face for decades after being hit by a proton beam.

When science proves that supernatural forces exist, this world will be much different.

What is particle accelerator and how important is it?

In July last year, physicists from the European Atomic Research Organization (CERN) announced they had found a particle with the same characteristics as the Higgs particle, which

Physicists all over the world on November 16 launched an important program to turn the Large Grain Accelerator (LHC), which is now in a 27km long tunnel near the Swiss-French

Scientists from the European Atomic Research Organization say they have discovered a type of particle that can move faster than light.

Successful implementation of inter-collision experiments

When you were a kid, did you ever try to crash two toy cars to see what happened? If so, you have understood somewhat the principle of operation ...