Baba Amte is an Indian, born on December 26, 1914 and died on February 9, 2018. He is a person who spends his whole life serving poor people, especially those with leprosy.

In part 5 Game of kingship, when Tyrion and Jorah Mormont were sailing through the ruins of Valyria, they were suddenly attacked by the quartz. Both characters were brave but

The research team, consisting of a researcher, reported the results of an analysis of a bone discovered in India with evidence of leprosy.

According to a new study in Nature Communications: Mycobacterium leprae - an ancient strain of bacteria that causes leprosy - is growing and extremely resistant.

Recent research by scientists shows that leprosy bacteria existed 10 million years ago ...

Alice Augusta Ball was born on July 24, 1892 in Seattle, Washington, USA, whose mother is Laura, a photographer and her father is James P. Ball, Jr., a lawyer.

People often say phrases

It must be said immediately that these are incurable diseases but are misunderstood both in origin and cause, greatly affecting the patients and the effectiveness of treatment.

Scientists believe they are getting closer to solving the mystery why leprosy (or leprosy) disease suddenly disappears in Europe 500 years ago.

Early detection and treatment of leprosy is important, especially before it infects others and causes serious damage to the patient's body.