Today we have discovered exoplanets thousands of light years away from earth.

The pilot who has carried out many of these large flights confirms that leaving dim lights is a process to ensure your own safety and not just a dark / light issue.

Vietnamese scientists have studied and manufactured fluorescent powder specialized in tissue culture, helping plants to be healthy and not deformed.

If the 'smart' lighting system tested at Delft University of Technology (Netherlands) succeeds, remembering to turn off the light becomes unnecessary.

New Guinness world record for using the most lights to capture a photo recently established by photographer Jason Groupp, who used 300 flash bulbs to take a portrait of himself.

Turning on the light for a few seconds to go to the night toilet is enough to destroy the body's cell division process, leading to cancer, both British and Israeli scientists have

In the case of disasters when energy is scarce, this will be an extremely useful emergency light.

A US Navy lab is studying how to grow green vegetables on a submarine for the crew's three-month trips.

The Dutch designer Angela Jansen has created a unique sleek illuminator with a 'punctured' lampshade hanging in a space called the Silhouette.

Delft Technical University Netherlands is testing a smart street lighting system on campus, using less than 80% of the electricity that the system currently consumes and is also