Despite living in harsh environmental conditions such as the deepest ocean trench, these creatures still thrive.

New research reveals the exact origin of a mysterious biotwang in the Pacific Ocean, first detected near the Mariana Trench.

How does science determine this is the deepest point on the Earth, as well as measuring the depth there?

With outstanding scientific advances, it is hoped that in the near future, humans can solve all the mysteries of the hadal sea.

The researchers said they were shocked by the unprecedentedly high levels of microscopic plastic found on the ocean floor, with 1.9 million pieces in just 1m2.

Scientists have discovered a new species of marine animal in the Mariana Trench in the Pacific Ocean that contains plastic waste in the body.

The Earth is just a tiny planet in the universe but for humans, it is a vast world with a multitude of surprises.

If detonating the strongest atomic bomb in history in the Mariana Trench, the water pressure at a depth of 11 km will cause the fire bridge to quickly disappear.

Scientists officially confirmed the new species of fish called Pseudoliparis swirei, discovered at a depth of 7,966 meters under the Mariana trench.

Deep ocean locations that are considered to be the most secure and pristine turned out to be relatively influential.