A crack appeared on the heat shield of the new Mars exploration vehicle scheduled to launch into space in July 2020, NPR reported on April 27.

It is expected that this unmanned self-propelled vessel will be launched on Mars in July and August 2020.

During the last 2/7 days, the Mars explorer car named Curiousity of the US Aerospace Agency (NASA) has shut down and shut down almost all functions.

Opportunity, NASA's Mars self-propelled robot, is still reeling, after 12 years from its footing on the red planet.

The US Aeronautics and Space Agency (NASA) will release a self-propelled Martian exploratory device filled with liquid and can move on the surface of the Red planet like a worm.

The program will be carried out from the Mission Control Center of NASA's Jet Laboratory in California, but will be interrupted because radio signals on Mars take 14 minutes to