A Gold Coast man filmed a python swallowing a marsupial whole in his backyard.

Researchers have discovered a new species of marsupial lion in the fossilized area of Australia. In its heyday, this species terrified many other animals.

Along with koalas, kangaroo is the symbol of Australia. Nearly, the animals of this country are completely different from the rest of the world.

A resident in Brisbane, Australia, was surprised to find the big python swallowing marsupials in his backyard garden.

The complete bone structure allows scientists to gain a deeper understanding of the behavior of the bag lion living in the Reformation.

The Marquis de Lafayette is a French general who once led an army during the American revolution. During his visit to the White House, he gave his friend, President John Quincy

Speaking of special and unique animals in Australia, many people will remember immediately Kangaroo kangaroos or koala bears. But it will be a big mistake if you omit Wombat.

Oriental pocket cats mostly eat insects and have adult cat size.

This animal has the name wolf bag, also known as the Tasmanian tiger. They were pocket-sized carnivores, with the body of a wolf, but there were stripes on the back of a tiger.

The BBC reported on August 19, in an article published in the journal Genome Biology of scientific publisher Biomed Central, a group of scientists said it was the first time to