The origin of the Mayan civilization remains a mystery that archaeologists and historians are trying to decipher.

Many people believe that the Mayans foretold the end of the world in 2012 and now there is a new theory that the ancients actually mentioned the year 2021 due to… mistake.

Most Egyptians learned that the Sphinx on the Giza plateau was about 4,500 years old. But this number is only a hypothesis, not a proof.

Archaeologists have found the oldest set of Maya calendar ever in the Xultun monument in Guatemala. They are engraved on the walls of a Maya house dating back to the early 9th

Although late, the new study results confirmed that the Bak cycle of the 13th May calendar ended at the end of 2012, without any sign.

From the first half of 2011, near the time of 2012, many unusual natural phenomena have occurred such as earthquakes in Japan, or comets Elenin will pass very close to the Earth

According to Dr. Chu Xuan Giao (Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences), he used to work in Japan, on sacred temples appeared thunder transmission to the end of the world.