The inconvenience in using the one kilogram international standard weight scale IPK forces scientists to find other ways to measure.

If your walk begins before the dinosaurs appear on Earth, then to complete the journey of a light-year, it has just finished recently.

The team of scientists has developed a tool to measure distances from Earth to supernovae with unprecedented high precision.

Scientists have said they are nearing an immaterial definition for kilograms (kilograms) after detecting that the standard weight is mysteriously lightening.

In the afternoon of September 22, 2010, in Hanoi, the signing ceremony of the Memorandum of Understanding on Technical Cooperation between the Directorate for Standards and Quality

British engineers built a neutron microscope, allowing scientists to make measurements 30 times faster than any existing (other) measuring device.

The astronomical tools needed to answer essential questions such as searching for planets like Earth or how the universe expands, have just taken a step closer ...