The energy from the powerful impact completely vaporized the meteorite, causing tsunamis that swept away the seabed and submerged coastlines around the world.

We are better than the dinosaur in the telescope.

According to a recent study, two scientists have shown an equation to calculate when humans began to shape the Earth.

According to Columbia University scientists (US), humans may be aliens and the place where humans are not Earth but surprisingly Mars.

In case of finding a giant meteorite about to crash into Earth, how will the US Aerospace Agency (NASA) react?

Lava caves beneath the Moon's surface with a diameter of up to 5 km can protect people from extreme temperatures, radiation and meteorite collisions.

An unknown meteorite belt is on its way into the solar system.

For years, scientists have hypothesized that bacteria might have been brought to earth on a comet or meteorite, seeding life today. But the panspermia theory poses the opposite

A new large crater was discovered in Siberia, Russia, in the area called

According to Impact Earth, the collision does not form a volcanic crater, but with energy entering the atmosphere by 544,050 tons of TNT, it will flare up a cloud of debris nearly