The 4-meter-long squid suddenly wrapped a tentacle around the fake jellyfish, then quickly went away when it realized it was not food.

Big football-like footbills are caught gobbling up the crocodile's body until it can't move.

The fate of dinosaurs may have changed within the short 30s. And maybe, are we the same race that can't appear?

The explorer ship of the US Ocean and Atmospheric Administration discovered that the squid has a strange red body structure in the Gulf of Mexico.

Each spring, this fish will gather in the Colorado River Delta, north of the Gulf of Mexico and simultaneously call for a mate.

This is one of three giant grouper species ever recorded.

Teenager Chris Kreis of Florida (USA) desperately drove whale sharks and returned to the video when fishing in the Gulf of Mexico. This rare sight occurred on June 8, when the

Dead dolphins are growing in the Gulf of Mexico, but the cause of this unusual phenomenon is still mysterious to scientists.

Scientists in the US have discovered a new strain of bacteria that eat oil rapidly growing in the Gulf of Mexico and helping to destroy oil particles.

To prepare for a direct flight over a Atlantic Ocean or across the Gulf of Mexico, these two tiny birds will attempt to eat twice as much body weight each day.