The two unnamed men claimed that they had found the legendary ship containing a missing Nazi treasure about 70 years ago in the mountains of southwestern Poland.

The disappearance of ships and planes passing through the waters dubbed the Bermuda Triangle is still a mystery to this day.

On a rainy night of October 1996, 16 Intrepid boaters sent a warning signal to the Florida police, USA, and only a few minutes later they completely disappeared as never existed.

In 2015, while searching for Malaysia Airlines' missing MH370 aircraft, the detector detected two sinking coal-fired ships in the 19th century.

Scientists believe that the 48-foot long ghost ship may have been buried under offshore sand for many years, then emerged on the beach due to storms.

The explorer ship of 1836 by explorer John Franklin was recently found in the North Sea bottom in intact condition.

New divers discovered a wooden stick nearly 3.4m long at the bottom of Lake Michigan, USA. They believed it could be part of the Griffin ship and the rest might be buried deep in