Contrary to predictions, artificial intelligence and robots are not yet common in everyday life of 2020. It is still unthinkable to go on a trip to the Moon or to 150 years old.

The founder of retailer Zozo is on the long list of celebrities and super-rich people booking space flights of aerospace startups.

SpaceX's BFR missile will fly Japanese billionaire Yusaku Maezaw around the Moon in 2023.

An American space exploration company plans to bring people to the Moon for tourism in the next 10 years at a cost of $ 10,000 and travel time of about 4 hours.

Naveen Jain, founder of Moon Express, said he believed Moon travel could be done in just a decade.

Just spending about $ 1.3 billion plus health guarantees that you have the capacity to travel to the Moon for two people. This unthinkable story can take place after 2020.

Although it is still a long time for the Moon to travel, NASA is afraid that tourists will harm the relics that the US had left in the flight up in the 60s and 70s of the last