A mysterious fireball lit up the Chinese sky before shattering and disappearing, leaving many witnesses extremely surprised.
A mysterious fireball lit the eastern sky of the United States, burning so bright it could be seen from Canada.
Mysterious objects suddenly appeared in the sky of China at midnight Beijing time, turning the night as bright as day.
The mysterious blue fireball is visible in many countries in Europe.
According to RT, locals in southern Peru reported the occurrence of violent noises like an earthquake and a blazing fire around a round object in the night sky.
According to information published in RT, on November 2, residents in Bangkok, Chon Buri, Ratchaburi and Kanchanaburi (Thailand) saw a large light trail in the sky.
The strong light in the sky of Recife is said to have come from a large fireball.
A huge glowing fireball and glowing bright like a meteor was observed in England.