The narwhal is a medium-sized marine animal of the suborder toothed whales. What makes this animal most noticeable is the distinctive long horn on its head.

Despite recording up to 17 hours of sound, the researchers haven't deciphered most of them, and unicorns are unknown.

The analysis shows that whale skulls stored in a museum in Denmark belong to crosses between two Arctic whales.

Experts have recently discovered more

A group of divers are lucky to see the pyrosome, a rare tubular creature called

Scientists have finally deciphered the mystery of an abnormally long, spiraling tooth sticking out of the mouth of narwhal, a Arctic whale.

Information on the site mongabay.com said a group of scientists from the International Fund for Nature Protection in Canada (WWF-Canada) has attached a satellite signal generator

The Arctic region is the northernmost part of the Earth. This is where the Sun only grows and dives once a year, once the Sun has risen, it will shine for six months.

Animal world is always rich and diverse with many different animals. Here are 10 animals that are supposed to have the most strange appearance.