Imagine, you are preparing for the journey of life: go to Antarctica. Here you will see Antarctica and can play with penguin friends. But how do you find the true South Pole?

Images of this vulnerability after the leak were hidden and conspiracyists immediately entered.

About 60 pepper whales recently swam into Kyle of Durness waters in Scotland on Friday. 25 children were in safe waters, experts from the Marine Animal Rescue Organization ...

When viewed from the International Space Station (ISS), the earth's southern hemisphere is like dancing bands of light.

The species of radiation resistant bacteria has a nickname

Climate change has made the situation of ice melting in the North Pole worse. That is also the reason why the winter lasts longer and more and more severe.

According to a new study, the Earth's north pole is being shifted toward Russia about 60 km per year due to changes in the planet's core.

Recently images of high resolution Martian surfaces sent by Nasa's explorer ship revealed the surface of the Red planet.