When we hear 'radiation', we often think of big explosions and scary mutations, but that's only a part.

Monitoring stations on the China-Korea border detect a trend of increased radiation, but experts suspect this may be due to natural causes instead of the H. bomb test.

Biologists have discovered the secret to help some animals and birds survive in the Chernobyl quarantine.

Contrary to popular belief, cockroaches cannot survive in a nuclear explosion. The truth is that this animal is more resistant to some ionizing radiation than humans.

According to scientific studies, more than 70% of radioactive substances enter the human body through food and equipment around us.

The world of islands is diverse, rich and sometimes quite mysterious. Here are eight islands called

Genkai nuclear power plant in Saga Prefecture, south of Kyushu region (Japan) has leaked 1.8 million tons of radioactive water from the cooling system, but has no environmental

Many points in some northern provinces such as northern Lai Chau province, south of Son La, Lao Cai towns - Than Uyen, Bao Thang - Muong La ... have natural irradiation intensity

Japan admits to hiding part of the information about the spread of radioactivity at the Fukushima I nuclear power plant because of fears that it will cause panic among the public,

In the evening of April 14, the Institute of Nuclear Science and Technology (Vietnam Atomic Energy Institute) announced that the level of radioactivity measured in Hanoi is very