In any individual sport, medal athletes regularly bring this precious object to their mouths and bite the bluff even though few understand the reason behind the action.

Authorities blamed everything from people to pH but there is no official conclusion yet.

American scientists point out that swimming pools and swimming lanes have certain effects on athletes' performance.

The organizers announced from yesterday that the water in the tank is completely safe, but the PWTAG team did not think so.

At the Rio 2016 Summer Olympics, in the shooting game, we witnessed many fierce matches, and in most of these matches, what appears most often is probably the slightly goggles.

Scientific research shows that the special structure of two knees can be the main cause of the overwhelming success of Jamaican sprinter athletes.

Algae blooms, copper oxidation or problem water filters are speculative reasons given by experts to explain temporarily this strange phenomenon.

With a time limit of only a few percent seconds, the Olympic organizers must use the most advanced technology to determine who won the gold medal.