Ancient Mayans decorated the walls of palaces, temples, handwritten manuscripts, painted ceramics and painted dead bodies before burying the sacred wells with a color blue paint.

In the production, transportation and use of toxic substances, just a little attention is needed to leak the environment, harm human health. The leak n

Abandoned houses from the French colonial era on the mossy mountain of Mau Son, now become a destination for those who love adventure, explore.

Toothpaste, tomato sauce, paint and blood are non Newtonian fluids, which are able to solidify immediately at the place of sudden impact.

Public toilets are a very unhygienic job.

A study at the University of Michigan found that nanoparticles made of carbon could help the plane become

Solar panels will soon become the past because researchers have invented new paints, generating electricity from energy nanoparticles that can provide enough electricity to run

The Defense Science and Technology Research Institute of Malaysia (STRIDE) has developed a camouflage coating technology for military vehicles, with paint that can be mixed with

Hi-Pec Hi-Pec Petrochemicals Joint Stock Company has introduced to the business of composite modified epoxy coatings (ES301) with high adhesion but no toxic substances.