Strange syndrome makes men addicted to eating stone bricks and can eat up to 3kg of mud and stone bricks every day and still be as strong as they are.

The 100-year-old man named Karu Paswan in the eastern Indian state of Jharkhand said he had a hobby of eating mud from the age of 11, the International Business Times reported on

During pregnancy, many women

People who want to maintain life need to load nutrients and energy into their bodies by eating. In order to have good health, it is necessary to combine diet and proper exercise.

A new study revealed that not only pregnant women and children with pica syndrome - craving for non-food stuffs, have little or no nutritional value such as clay, nails, sand,

For most women, foods such as fruit cakes, fruits ... are often the things you like. But for Teresa Widener in Bedford, Virginia (USA), her favorite food is ... ice cubes.

According to DailyMail, Zach Tahir wants to eat everything from window blinds to wall plaster. Being autistic and speechless, this 5-year-old boy living in the Salford area,

A 3-year-old girl in Indiana (USA), suffers from a rare syndrome, addicted to eating things like light bulbs or bricks.