post-traumatic stress disorder

Researchers at Yale University, USA believe, advanced tomography and the receptor they are looking for will help early detection of those who intend to commit suicide.

Recent research by British scientists has shown new benefits of love - that is, repressing stress.

In a new study, we often show 21 different facial expressions on the face, three times more than the long-accepted number (6 shades).

Some experts are concerned that boys may never swim, fear in the dark room or in a closed room.

Most people who have never been victims of rape say they will resist if attacked.

Psychological illnesses are the most terrible diseases. They torment people day after day, while not receiving proper recognition from society.

Speaking at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in Boston, Dr. Josselyn said it was possible to treat people with post-traumatic stress

Millions of adults are suffering from anxiety disorders, including persistent worries that affect their daily lives.

Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) believe they can create a vaccine to prevent post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Scientists try to find a way to help the brain get out of fear, obsessed with painful memories.