Filmmakers have captured the moment an octopus fires a rock bullet at a predatory fish while hiding in a clamshell, like a sniper.

Piranhas have razor-sharp teeth and often move in schools, but can they really

Leaf hair and somewhat ugly is what describes the appearance of this fish, however, it is no coincidence that they own those things.

The face with the sharp jagged teeth of the fish can make any seafighter startle when they see it.

Lion fish is not merely a carnivore but it is like a

With this fierce appearance, they are also called by another name, the goblin fish. It was a fish, but looking at its appearance, no one thought it was fish.

According to a new, large-scale study and a brief snapshot, the mantra has been crammed into bone-bearing fish in the last major extinction event that occurred 65 million years

With a length of 5 m and weighing nearly 2 tons, the great white shark is considered the largest carnivorous fish in the world.