Measuring 13 meters long and living in the dinosaur age 60 million years ago, Titanoboa was rumored to still exist in the Amazon deep forest.

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The early images of this video show that the dog is entwined by a giant python in the water.

According to Coconuts website, a group of villagers in Bintulu, Salawak state, Malaysia hunted in a forest near the house, suddenly heard a strange noise.

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Hollywood movies have portrayed the image of the python Anaconda is a giant and bloodthirsty monster.

Photographer Luciano Candisani first captures a green anaconda python that squeezes a mate to death in a Brazilian marsh.

The dense mangrove forest is not lacking

It is known that this python weighs about half a ton and is 9.7 meters long.

The male of the python is 8.8m long, weighs 227kg and has a diameter of 30cm. Females are larger than males, can be up to 9m long and weigh 250kg. The after-born pythons are