About 150 years ago, all papers and letters were handwritten with ink pens, and every 1 to 2 words people had to tap on ink bottles making writing very slow and easy to dirty. .

Undeniably, the computer keyboard is

Today, the QWERTY keyboard has become so familiar to us and popular on most technology devices from smartphones, tablets to personal computers.

A new study shows that the arrangement of a Qwerty computer keyboard can play an important role in selecting children 's names in the West.

Texting or chatting always makes people feel happy, especially when they click on the group of keys on the right hand side of the QWERTY keyboard.

With the rumors surrounding the smart meter flooding the tech world, US researchers are now trying to figure out how to allow for the entry of letters / numbers on screens that are

German experts have created a new keyboard called KALQ, which allows the index finger to glide rapidly across touch screen devices.