We often think that gold and diamonds are the most expensive things. But not so, there are many precious and expensive materials on the earth, thousands of times more expensive

Mr. Matt David, Tinder's marketing and communications manager, shared:

Find out the past of the only male male white rhino left on Earth

AFP said, the new laws will only allow hunters to kill a white rhino every year. If the rhino hunting registrant comes from a country without a legal instrument to prevent rhino

People who use rhinoceros to heal are at risk of dying or getting sicker, after the owner of a protected area in South Africa decided to inject poison into the horns of these

When asked about endangered animals, perhaps the name of the rhino is mentioned first. Illegal hunting is making the rhino in Africa and Asia significantly reduced. All because

Success, masculinity and luck stem from each individual's inner strength, not from a piece of horn.

The International Wildlife Protection Organization (CWI) has recently issued a recommendation that it would be no different to pick up a