Two skeletons were found under the walls of the ancient capital of Gyeongju, in Wolseong district, Gyeongsang province.

Two headless crocodiles are found in a population of 12 new graves along with a series of human remains, many sheep and goats with dots on the skull and a cat.

Gold and silver antiques were found in the excavation area of Tel Gerez, Israel, possibly a sacrifice to connect the two gods of Canaanite and Egyptians.

The lost legs of the 15th and 16th centuries found in the temple complex in Peru could be of sacrificed children in rituals.

Scientists believe that sacrificial dog remains belong to the rituals of the Ychsma, during the period from 900 AD to 1470.

During the survey in historical and cultural relics in Duc Tho district (Ha Tinh), Han Nom researchers discovered an ancient bronze book in Truong Xuan village, Truong Son commune.

Scary skull masks in the Templo Mayor temple of the Aztec civilization have long been a great mystery for archaeologists.

The ancient Carthaginians sacrificed newborn babies and animals to express their gratitude to the gods.

The construction of ancient Egyptian temples began with a groundbreaking ritual like modern humans.

Korean archaeologists discovered two skeletons lying side by side in the tomb from about the 5th to 6th centuries, possibly in intercourse posture.