Based on many criteria, market research firm Juniper Reserach has selected the five smartest cities in the world, including Singapore, Barcelona, London, San Francisco and Oslo.

Enjoy the magnificent scenes recorded from the highest points of famous landmarks in the world.

According to a report published by the magazine ranked billionaire Ho Nhuan (China) on February 25, Beijing has

The San Francisco earthquake tops. It caused 700 deaths compared to 114 of the Anchorage earthquake. Property losses in San Francisco are also larger, because fires have

There are times when we are nostalgic about the past, the streets, the streets, the alleys. So do you ever wonder if modern, crowded cities like New York, Paris, Times Square,

Simon Christen - a photographer in Oakland, California, USA - is the owner of these impressive videos. He spent a lot of time being able to record images and combine them into

Public toilets are a very unhygienic job.

An American airline has decided to use tallow fuel for a 600-kilometer flight from Los Angeles to San Francisco, California.