If you want to move to Mars live, what should you prepare? The first is the ability to withstand the cold, loneliness, nuclear power, breathing air, food for life, a spacecraft

Elon Musk said that in the future, the price could drop to 100,000 USD (2.3 billion VND) so anyone can sell land to sell houses to settle on Mars.

The expert group of the Russian Academy of Sciences believes that it is too early for people on Earth to think about flying to Mars.

People are planning to set foot on Mars, even

US defense industry group Lockheed Martin introduced a new Mars amphibious ship that ran on liquid hydrogen fuel with the goal of bringing humans to Mars in the earliest.

These cities will follow the real Mars city design in the future to test the effectiveness and adaptability of people to live in these architectures.

Swedish artist Ville Ericsson has drawn a perspective on life when people settle on the red planet.

A leading scientist from the Royal Society said that the Curiosity Mars probe of the US Space Agency (NASA) will be the basis for current living people to set foot on the red

The US Aerospace Agency (NASA) is considering ambitious plans to bring people back and forth to Mars, moving forward to bring people to settle permanently on other planets in the

NASA scientists claim that the agency is working to bring permanent settlers on Mars or ...