According to the Mirror, scientists estimate that there are about 600,000 pieces of space junk flying around the Earth.

On October 4, 1957, Sputnik I became the first satellite of humanity to fly into space. But this satellite also marks another milestone in history, which is the emergence of

According to The Guardian, Japan 's Earth - Orb garbage - removal test on February 6 ended in failure, a specially designed Japanese magnetic grid to remove space junk could not be

NASA estimates that more than 500,000 fragments are floating at speeds of up to 28,162 km / h (17,500 mph) around the Earth.

We have about 500,000 pieces of trash, ranging from 1cm to 10cm, and about 22,000 other pieces larger than 10cm are flying around Earth orbit.

The threat from cosmic garbage is increasing as more and more missile or satellite fragments fail or stop appearing in orbit near Earth.

The Japan Space Exploration Agency (JAXA) cooperates with a fishing equipment manufacturing company to create a kind of net from school, dedicated to clearing space.

Switzerland plans to launch a satellite

One of the first US satellites named Explorer 8 launched on October 3, 1960 after half a century of orbiting into the dense atmosphere on March 31.

According to the Associated Press, Swiss scientists plan to launch a specially designed