Recently, SpaceX CEO shared a few more information about the plan as well as the necessary means not only to go to Mars but also to build a stable base that can operate as a real

5 alien creatures like humans encountering Soviet Siberian units and petrified 23 soldiers, according to the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) document.

A man in England quickly recorded a picture of an unidentified flying object (UFO) that he thought was

Gary Heseltine, a British policeman, was the founder of the police UFO site in 2002. The goal of the site is to collect the accounts of retired police officers who have seen UFOs

In the latest dramatic development of the failed Russian launch of the Phobos-Grunt, it seems that the US military has removed many links on a website that tracks the data about

A US State Department spokesman denied that the failed launch of Russia's Phobos-Grunt probe was caused by a powerful electromagnetic wave emitted by an American radar.

Russia is still powerless in locating the Phobos-Grunt spacecraft, but an amateur astronomer happens to discover this black ship.

Soho solar research spacecraft has reached its own milestone in silence: discovering the 2,000th comet.

At 4 am, May 16, from Alice Spring town (Australia)

By using nuclear energy to operate the spaceship, Russian scientists believe that it is possible to shorten the journey to Mars to 45 days, much faster than the previous plan of