The finches have a scientific name, Passer domesticus, which is a small member of the Seine family. It is easy to see small, gray and brown birds in every continent except

Not only do humans build wonders, the animal world also creates gigantic structures: great termites, super-large spider webs, super-bird nests.

Research by scientists at Oregon Health University shows that birds' voices are also altered after drinking.

Sillem mountain finches (Finch Moutain Sillem) were first discovered in 1929, but this is a mysterious bird and it was not until 1992 that researchers identified the bird.

This is the third year in the world to celebrate the World Sparrow Day (WSD) since the first time it took place on the occasion of honoring the beauty of the house (Passer

The male zebra finch also establishes a homosexual relationship in the absence of females and still chooses to maintain a homosexual relationship even after the female appears

Photographs of a giant spider eating birds in an Australian garden have impressed the viewer.

The Arctic fox hunts lemmut rats on ice, the ducklings bathe in the lake, the newspaper climbs onto the dry tree, ... the most impressive animal images of the past week.

Seabirds steal tree branches to build nests, cherry blossoms bloom in Washington, corn finches eat seeds, ... are the most impressive natural images in the past week.

Blue sparrows raced with spring blooming flowers, horses running in snowstorms in Mongolia, were impressive images of animals in the past week.