In recent times, many types of electric supermarket systems have appeared

There are many ways to classify nuclear reactors, of which the most common classification is based on the retardants and heat transfer agents used in the reactor.

To explain this phenomenon, first try a small experiment like this: put salt continuously into a glass of water and stir well.

Normally when the temperature rises, the ice will melt away.

Water vapor and clouds are quite common forms of matter in a star outside the solar system. This is an important finding for astronomers.

US and Canadian scientists have found steam and carbon oxides in the atmosphere of a planet 129 light-years from Earth.

On March 28 (VN time), the Cassini probe has flown across Saturn's moon Enceladus to the lowest level ever. Scientists think there may be an ocean on this moon.

India's four satellites today are launched from the southeastern state of Andhra Pradesh, to serve the weather study.

Astronomers at the California Institute of Technology (CIT, USA) have announced the discovery of the most distant and distant water in the universe, according to UPI news agency

NASA published the results of the study of the data obtained from the LCROSS spacecraft launch experiment ...