The proteins, fats produced by the body and the growth of bacteria are the main causes of human body odor.

Do you know why some of us sweat more than others?

Bathing is the job almost everyone does at least once a day. Perhaps that is something too familiar to each of us.

In a new article published in Nature Communications, scientists claim that these cracks are the outer bones of animals.

Maybe you don't smell your dog's feet often, but if you've done that, you can think of a crunchy dish in your mouth.

Every time we touch something, we leave behind fingerprints, which is the reason why the screen of smartphones and tablets is always full of bruises and itchy eyes, but have you

An unnamed patient recently stunned doctors in the UK when hospitalized in a constant state of eye bleeding for an hour.

Clearly, your pores expand and your skin will soon sweat. You will continue to practice as a habit in your free time and feel lighter

Scientists' research has shown an unexpected connection between the earwax and the body's sweat-armpit glands.

On April 17, US scientists said they have successfully developed a wrist-sensing device that can detect diseases such as tumors, diabetes and some other diseases through sweat