American scientists have revealed octopus as an alien creature because of a completely different set of genes than other animals.

The Argonaut octopus instead of mating directly with each other, the male simply removed itself

The blue patrol boats run along the swimming area of the beaches with large nets gliding over the surface of the water. The yellow flag signaled caution, the red flag forbid

Marine biologists are investigating octopuses to determine whether they have a preference for left or right tentacles.

The common ancestor of all human beings can own tentacles, according to the latest research by a Russian scientist.

Normally plants can create their own food source. They take carbon dioxide from the air, groundwater, underground minerals and photosynthesis from sunlight. However, there are

The miraculous tentacles of the water snake can help it

Despite the dangers of health risks, the following seafoods are still widely used in food processing and are popular.