The skin has two layers of iridophore cells that contain pigments and light reflections that are a wonderful feature of geckos to change skin color.

The team of scientists presented a study that showed that abnormal variation in the number of copies is the cause of childhood obesity.

In just about 3 minutes, this frog's skin has changed from smooth to thorny and then quickly returned to smooth skin.

Thanks to the ability to suck water or air into the abdomen to enlarge the body into a sphere, the puffer fish can challenge the most terrifying predators.

A global agreement to reduce carbon emissions could be achieved during a climate conference in Mexico next month, a US official said.

Ahead of the global climate change conference, leading climate scientists have released a detailed report on the negative effects of climate change on Earth.

According to a recent study on climate change, the Pacific island of Carteret will become

In a recent study of the effects of bisphenol A (BPA - a plastic additive chemical) on humans ...

Some people have a strong belief that they are in the process of transforming their bodies into wolves: they make a howling, scratching, feeling hair covering their bodies and

A study by the University of California, USA, showed that biological clock changes have caused long-term changes in the brain.