The US military and many other countries use dolphins to protect naval bases because they possess many superior capabilities.

There are still some unsolved related mysteries, such as who owns this ancient dress.

The US Air Force has just released a video of the testing of the latest supersonic sledge with tremendous speed.

Tests have shown that the device is capable of identifying a person up to 200 meters away, with an accuracy of up to 95%.

In 2002, a strange announcement appeared on US military computer screens:

Of course, this reactor had stopped working and fell from its orbit, though it did not cause any harm when returning to Earth.

The US military has applied a fast, convenient RAID fence system that can build 400m of solid fences in just 60 seconds.

The leading complex of chemical and biological weapons testing laboratories is located in the Utah desert.

Why are US military weapons and weapons well tolerated by harsh environments to be present in many countries around the world?

Silk carries the strong properties of spider silk, but is easy to produce like silk.