Sterilization is a method of contraception that provides a sure, lasting effect and is used by many countries around the world.

According to the report published in the British newspaper, Independent on April 22, the drug affects proteins on the surface of sperm and limits their ability to move.

The doctor removes 1-2cm of vas deferens and closes the two ends so that the sperm does not have a way out and drains itself.

A new type of contraceptive gel for men has just been successfully tested on monkeys. This promises to open a big step for men to share the burden of birth control with women.

It is known that when using this type

Surely your October 18 has passed smoothly, but do you know this is the Day .. Tightening the Global Vasectomy?

Clemens Bimek, a German carpenter invented the valve that interrupts the flow of sperm from a man's testicles, causing him to be temporarily infertile.