Although very thin, the butterfly wings have many veins and scent patches that help release the coolant, they perceive heat better and stay away from heat.

The veins in the body are an extremely intelligent and important system for the body. It helps us to transport less oxygen and darker blood back to the heart.

Hummingbirds are the only birds that can fly back, bees can count to 4 or some people have the ability to smell and see music.

The blue of veins is visible due to the interaction of light with the skin, the amount of oxygen in the blood and other factors.

Through research and comparison, scientists found a vein structure in an 80 million-year-old fossil bone fossil of a dinosaur.

In just 1 or 2 seconds, a giraffe can lift its head from the ground to a height of about 4.5 meters without ever being stunned. So why don't giraffes get dizzy at such a height?

The arteries, capillaries and veins in a person's circulatory system can reach a length of up to 100,000 km if joined together, enough to wrap around the Earth 2.5 times.

Researchers say that a new way of injecting drugs leads to prospects in reducing side effects when treating cancer and improving the cure rate, according to Top News. According to

This nano-sized car is a step forward in creating advanced machines that can handle tasks like going through veins to destroy cancer cells.