Scientists at the Institute of Chemistry - Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology have successfully studied the method of converting waste cooking oil into biofuel by catalyzing
2OC and Thames Water, two UK companies, have signed a £ 200 million contract to turn fat wastes that clog London City sewers into electricity to supply wastewater treatment plants.
Hong Kong entrepreneurs and investors from the Netherlands and the Middle East are currently cooperating to build a plant that converts waste oils into biodiesel.
Experts warn that eating processed food from recycled oil will accumulate toxic substances and die slowly with the risk of cancer, obesity, cardiovascular ...
The products made from dirty cooking oil in Taiwan are exported to 12 countries and territories, including Vietnam.
Millions of people are very angry about watering the morning glory with vegetable oil. Viscosity contains many substances that are toxic to the human body. What is the waste of
Hainan Airlines on November 21 successfully completed its first transatlantic flight with biofuels.